Thursday, May 13, 2010

Let us know what is happening in your life.

So we have the great blessings of technology on our side; facebook, twitter, email, webcam (some of us don't want to see that) but, the point is the pony express isn't an excuse anymore. Hell, the phrase "it's in the mail" is just about dead. I have watch reruns of Seinfeild to hear that expression, NEWMAN! I digress, keeping in touch, its easy, and free for the most part. I mean if you have a computer, that you didn't pay for, and you had an internet connection that you don't pay for then it would be free, right? Well, it does take time, but in the end its worth it. SO, start posting something about how you stubbed your toe, smacked yourself in the face or about a tasty meatball sub that the dog stole out from right underneath your face, yes that dog knew you were waiting all day for it. He knew! Does he look sad? Not sad enough! He enjoyed that delicious marinara sauce and that spicy meatball, it should have been me, me I say!